Meet the Team: Abdinour Said Hassan

My name is Abdinour Said Hassan and I’m from Somalia. My country is home to a diverse variety of flora and fauna, from acacia trees, to birds, large cats, and reptiles great and small. Somalia is home to over 727 species of birds and boasts over 177 species of mammals. Through Human Nature Projects we will do our best to conserve and take actions towards protecting these natural spaces and our precious environment for others to enjoy. 

I am truly an environmentalist at heart, and hence I have a wish to volunteer with Human Nature Projects as National Director of Somalia. Here we have so many issues facing our wildlife than we need to quickly find a solution- there is climate change, deforestation and charcoal export all reducing the abundant native fauna and we need to act.  

Together we will build a community inside our country that can stand up to these threats and contribute towards reaching our environmental goals. Actions need to be made by many people, as a group, and daily in promoting environmental awareness. Thank you to HNP for this opportunity to step forward and save our wild places.